Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lonliness of Moving

People move all the time. All with different circumstances. The circumstances of my moving was very lonesome and it shows itself more and more each day. I moved to Virginia due to work. I moved here alone without knowing anyone other than the people I knew at the office. I had no wife and kids to bring me as do many people of my company have as they are asked to move. I was alone.
I must say looking back that I never knew what alone and loneliness was until I moved here. I came with the belief that it wouldn't be so bad and I would get to know people soon enough after I moved. I came to notice after moving that work wasn't going to be the place I would find a friend. The office is made up of much older people who have their own families and lives. I don't go out and see the nightlife because that is not the type of person I am anymore. Well then I just figured, "hey it wont be so bad I have my 360 and ps3 to hold me down". Well how wrong was I?
I left my mom's house when I was 18 and lived in various places since then but never had I lived completely alone where I had no one to socialize with. I definitely underestimated the effect it would happen to me.
After a few weeks I started to feel the loneliness creeping up on me. It started following me like my shadow. This mostly affected me on weekends where I didn't have work or gym to keep me entertained and keep me out the house. I stopped wanting to play video games and just wanted to hang out with people and just socialize and chat but I had NO ONE. There was no one I could call up and invite over or go visit. All my friends and loved ones were 250 miles away. I felt as if I was in an island all alone. I never felt so desperate for a friend in my life. It is all good to be able to talk to someone over the phone or chat with them online but I needed someone in front of me that I could see and touch. I had always undervalued the importance of this until now.
Even more I would hear about my friends and family getting together and hanging out. This would just eat at me and make me feel more alone. They would tell me they wish I could be there and that would make it even worse. I wanted to be there but I couldn't I was stuck in my island alone and it was killing me.
I have been living in VA for 4 months now and I must say that things haven't changed much. I am sitting here at 2am on a Sat night typing this because I feel depressed and alone. I have no one to call and visit that I fully trust. I can say I have 1 friend here in VA but asking him to be my close friend that I can trust is a lot to ask after only 3 months of knowing him. Which leaves me being alone, lonely in this darkness that I am in. I have no one here that I can hug or cry on. The woman I love is far away and she visits my island time to time for periods of times that seem like a Compton drive by. That situation is not changing. I am living in VA for the foreseeable future, I guess the only question to ask is, will this loneliness be my only friend.

1 comment:

  1. Loneliness is crazy like that. I'm surrounded by friends and I still feel lonely. That doesn't mean it's the end. The woman you love has convinced me of that. Hope is beautiful. Respite is coming your way. Don't freak out...this coming from someone who has a tendency of freaking out and over-dramatizing.
